Saturday, August 15, 2009

Eggy Yum

Mmmm eggi-weggs. I like mines scrambled.
You know, eggs may be the best damn thing on the whole entire planet. Think about all the shit you could not make without eggs...
  • Bread
  • Biscuits
  • Macaroni Pie
  • Grits and eggs
  • French Toast
  • Waffles
  • Pancakes
  • Omlettes
  • Croque Madame
  • Cookies
  • Cubano Sweet Bread (for medianoche sandwiches)
  • Toad in the Hole ("toadineeole")
  • Steak and Eggs
  • Custard
  • Meringue
  • Cakes, delishus cakes
  • Brownies
....And I can't think of nuthin else.. but i'm sure there's something. UNFORTUNATELY, most of these things also require milk, even scrambled eggs, and milk is something I don't have.
So, no scramblied eggi-weggs.
I am saddened.
I mean, the whole point of this post was scrambled eggs-having that i was gonna do....
I hate it when people like to think they're smarter than you. Like if they can play you or think they're playin your emotions or something, but what they don't know is that you just don't feel anything but rage and disdain so all of their efforts are futile.
Like if maybe they didn't know how generally insignificant they really are compared to the soul-wrenching, total eclipse of power and intelligence going on around me.
I'm just sayin.
I don't think they read my blog, but it's my blog so if they do, suck it.
I laugh at their efforts.
ALSO, I hate guys on porn videos. They say the same shit- "Oh, look at that ass" and "Yeah, suck my cock" and they do that thing where they suck air in through their stupid fuckin teeth. I wish I could kill em.
They are so stupid. The things people say during sex are so pointless for me... they heighten no sense of pleasure, only the sense of embarrassment at having said something so idiot.
My God, I almost hate sex.
Feels great, brings out the most inane, useless part of the human psyche. Oh my God, why.

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