i'm drinkin my liquor lunchable and its quite delicious.
never had whiskey and coke before.
never had whiskey before actually, cuz its the favorite drink of all the worlds mean drunks.
that and beer.
man i can drink a lot of this stuff. boy howdy, its good tastin!
butter tastin!
i'm lookin for fonts for my final 2d project. i cant decide between The Stranger Beside Me and The Good Earth.
they both really good son but theyre really different so i'm gonna hafta pick one.
you know, you know.
from the top of the pole i watch her go down
she got me throwin my money around
i'll be a stripper!! my new life's goal!!!
a dancer for money!! any song will do.
oh nos!
i turn my swag oooooonnn
its my time to turn it up.
omg i always look when i see that dudes name. very mystical.
im back agaaaaiiinnn!
i know alottayallthoughtiwadntcominback yeeeeaaaahhhh
my dad saw a "dark presence" hovering over me at my grandparents house n snatched me up fo' protection. thats dedi-fucking-cation, dude. no lie.
i've been surrounded by those kinds of things my whole life, but i personally never experience them. theyre tryin to reach out, but i'm too dim to get in contact.
i fear them. what do they want with me? i'm just a normal gal, nothin special.
the devil's on his way, i guess.
a dark presence! like, as in, MALEVOLENT. as in, WANTS TO DO ME HARM.
there must be something about me that angers many spirits.
cant imagine what....
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