Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Noble Tie that Binds...!

Our Human Hearts n' Minds
Into a Brotherhood of Maaan!!
boom shakkalakkalakka!!
ok and w0000000t cuz you know its goin down. yesss... yeeeesss.... it's all coming to fruition now...
heheha .... hehehehehahahaha... hahaa. haHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAA
Excuse Me, Let me start over;
I have, I believe, finally finished a life-long training. A training to... dehumanize, as it were. I believe I have reached it. It is all artifice, though. A sheer and complete mockery of the real thing, but I'm sure that I can pull it off.
But... I was actually going to write about my final project, which I have been practicing all night.
I have done my wretched coffee stains.
I have tried and failed to adequately copy Ted's handwriting.
You should see it, really; most of it isn't even letters, I don't know how anyone ever saw fit to submit this to a handwriting analyst.
They should've sent it to a chicken farmer because that's not English. 
He made some of those letters up, man. Serious.
But I've been workin on my spatter and I think it's going grrreat!
I think the end result will be really nice. 
Tomorrow I'm going to start to piece it all together and work on my typeface, because I have to render it by hand instead of just slappin' some glue on the back of copy paper and slammin it to my project.
That's gonna take a while, I know.
I just thought of something: My project is going to smell DELICIOUS.
Cuz most of its done in COFFEE harr har har harrrr yesh.
Your Life-long Membership
Is Free
Keep A-givin' Each Brother All
You Can
Oh Aren't You Proud to Be
In That Fraternity-
The Great Big Brotherhood of Man!
bow chikka wow wow

england sux wit their hatin and the BOM chikka WAH WAH wtf is THAT england?!

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