Sunday, July 5, 2009


Ok this is my 60th post, bitches!
I am pleased to report that everything is GREAT right now!
I'm drunk, Jara's my friend and SC has a lame serial killer!
You may have seen him on the news- he's lame and shoots people- but to me he could just be a plain ol' robber that had to kill.
Listen, REAL serial killers kill manually, not with guns. They need to be there to see the light of life leave their victims eyes, to breathe in their last breath and if you're SHOOTING someone THAT DON'T HAPPEN, BABY.
Plus, there's no method to his madness. The best he could be is a spree killer. I mean, damn, even I have guns so that's no big. Besides, he would sooner go to Columbia than come here to Charleston.
I know why he's killing, it's because he's in the no-horse town of Gaffney.
Dammit, I'd kill too!
More to come...

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