Friday, June 12, 2009

Oh Gosh!

What grown man hasn't burned a fucking whore's skull in his girlfriend's fireplace while she was out? It's a tradition on this planet.
- Some guy on youTube
Isn't that great? I mean, I love it! It's very very fonny to teh max.
It was a comment on a video of Ted Bundy confessing to burning the skull of one of his victims in a fireplace.
And he's all like, "Of all the things I did to this woman, poor Liz, this is the one she's probably least likely to forgive me for."
Uh, NO SHIT, genius, huh?! I mean, even I think it's a little brazen to expect to be forgiven for something like that.
Can you imagine...?
But yeah- footbinding. Them shits are crazy small.
I'm sad that they don't do that to the Chinese womens anymores.
DANGUS! That's big Angus!!
That's what she said! ShaaaaWING!
Harr har har harrrr

1 comment:

Dangermuffin said... i guess no is a bad time to tell you what i did to your fireplace, huh? listen if it smells like meat...well thats just a flavorful aroma.