Friday, June 5, 2009

Wah Da Tah

yes son.
something is happening. 
something is inside me and it must come out. IT MUST. i am inspired.
i have this great picture that, for once, is not a girl. i must draw this picture. i have been thinking about it for.... god knows how long.
months? years?
much longer than days, i know that.
my dad just got an iPhone, but he hates Apple! XD
the phone is cool, tho.
i got to draw nao.
also, i got a phone call from your mom, jara. she was very apologetic and embarrassed sounding and she said she was very sorry for making it awkward and embarrassing you. she said she wanted us to be able to have a good time together and she ruined it and she was really really sorry that she did.
she also apologized to my brother for scaring him and being weird.
i like your mom :) she's got a good heart in her, even if it's mostly covered in drug use and alcohol. we're not all perfect like me, tho, are we?

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